Educational Programs
A Creative Alternative to Education
Inspire students to achieve more! Our exciting workshops are a dream event for students of all ages. We have the Power to Amaze and the Power to Inspire!
We will tailor workshops - for your students & teachers specific needs!

Option 1 - Show & Workshop
Learning the black light technique and workshopping on stage with life size puppets – It’s all FUN!
Arrival - 10 am - 12:15
Departure - 12:15 pm

Option 2 - Show & Workshop, Pizza Lunch, Motivational Talk
All of Option 1 plus a pizza lunch – ice cream & pop, plus an inspiring motivational talk presented by Member of the Order of Canada Diane Dupuy CM
Arrival - 10:00 am - 12:15
Departure - 2:00 pm

Frieda Griffth Estate
Option 3 - M.I.E.
Full day program made possible through the Frieda Griffith Estate
Masters of Imagination & Entrepreneurship
Students learn to become an entrepreneur through the world of Imagination as they learn to set up their own business.
Click on the link for more information on the full day event. (Teachers are welcome to suggest their own themes for the student workshops).

Stars of Tomorrow
A creative alternate to learning. A one year program, targeted to today’s young people looking for a different way to learn.
Focused on High-school students with Individual Education Plans (IEPs), ADHD, who are Gifted, overall struggle with credits, or experience boredom/lack of engagement with school.
The students education takes place at the award-winning Famous PEOPLE Players Dine & Dream Theatre, where Special Happens.
Courses are curated under the guidance of an experienced teacher.