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Famous PEOPLE PLayers

Box Office: 416-532-1137   |   [email protected]

Corporate and Group Events

September 27, 2022 fpp2022 Comments Off

Famous PEOPLE Players is a great option for your next group event. Offering packages for groups of 20 or more people, our Dine & Dream Theatre proudly presents a delectable three-course gourmet dining experience with electrifying, Broadway-class shows. Let the inspiration Begin! – “We inspire PEOPLE to achieve more!”.

Whether a SPECIAL PARTY CELEBRATION like BIRTHDAYS or ANNIVERSARIES, or even a BROADWAY-STYLE WEDDING RECEPTION, Famous PEOPLE Players delivers a memorable experience that will leave you inspired.


What you see is sensational… what you don’t see is inspirational!

Famous PEOPLE Players is a great option for your next group event. Offering packages for groups of 20 or more people, our Dine & Dream Theatre proudly presents a delectable three-course gourmet dining experience with electrifying, Broadway-class shows.

Let the inspiration Begin! – “We inspire PEOPLE to achieve more!”
Whether a SPECIAL PARTY CELEBRATION like BIRTHDAYS or ANNIVERSARIES, or even a BROADWAY-STYLE WEDDING RECEPTION, Famous PEOPLE Players delivers a memorable experience that will leave you inspired.

The perfect idea for a MYSTERY TOUR! Where Special Happens.

Whatever your whim, we aim to please in the same warm, hospitable way our Famous PEOPLE Players Dine & Dream Theatre patrons have enjoyed for over 20 years.


Comfortable seating for up to 200

The only show of its kind anywhere in the world

Three-course, gourmet diningFree motor coach parking

Fully licensed bar

Wheelchair accessible

Air conditioning throughout

Visual history and Memory Lane

Minutes from major downtown hotels and attractions

Open all-year round from Tuesday through Saturday